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GRACE USA 16 ounce Brass Hammer is precision manufactured and hand assembled entriely within the USA. 

The brass head is hand turned (the ole fashion way, one at a time) from CDA 360 brass rod, extruded in a USA mill, and beautfully hand polished. 

A properly seasoned, turned in the USA, hickory handle is then pressed into the finished brass head and securely brass pinned. 

This hammer is a work of art yet designed to serve the professional or hobbyist gunsmith, woodworker, mechanic, and machinist with years of hard use.  

Grace USA 16 oz Brass Hammer

SKU: BH-16
  • GRACE USA 16 ounce Brass Hammer is precision manufactured and hand assembled entriely within the USA. 

    • The brass head is hand turned (the ole fashion way, one at a time) from CDA 360 brass rod, extruded in a USA mill, and beautfully hand polished. 
    • A properly seasoned, turned in the USA, hickory handle is then pressed into the finished brass head and securely brass pinned. 
    • This hammer is a work of art yet designed to serve the professional or hobbyist gunsmith, woodworker, mechanic, and machinist with years of hard use.  

    Hammer Product Information: 

    • Face Dimensions: 1.25”
    • Length of Head: 2.6” 
    • Overall Hammer: 10.5” 


6322 Yuba Road 

Williamsburg, MI 49690 | TEL.231-264-8133

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For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)

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